Monday 14 January 2013

A Purpose Driven Life

Day 1 (140113)

Day 2 (150113) We are not an accident. God planned every single part of us: our appearance, personality, life before we were even conceived! The God of heaven and earth made ME exactly the way he wanted me to be. I feel pretty special. My creation was so intentional, so He must of had a purpose in store for me. As I was reading this chapter a question popped up in my mind. What about the "bad" people? Those people who are just really mean or do terrible things? :O I know that all of God's creations are perfect. SO it must be because of sin. That's all I got. Because of sin, we are made imperfect and we go astray from what God has originally intended for us for. This answer is just a guess. Tell me what you think :)

Day 3 (160113) What drives our life? Something that controls, guides or directs it. This chapter mentioned some negative drivers such as guilt, fear, materialism, approval, resentment. These lead to "unused potential, unnecessary stress, and an unfulfilled life". Basically a pointless life. If we don't actually realise that we are made for God's purpose and live according to it, we are just wasting our life, blessings and gifts that he has so graciously showered upon us. This brings us to the purpose-driven life. What's so good about it anyways?
  1. It gives meaning to our life. Without meaning, our life has no significance.. no real hope. "The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose". But in Him, we have hope! "I know what I am planning for you.. 'I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.'"In Him, we have purpose! I find this so comforting. 
  2. It simplifies our life. If we ask ourselves if what activities help us fulfil God's purpose for us or not, then it makes things a whole lot easier! Gives us a foundation and gets rid of all the vagueness. 
  3. It motivates us. Purpose produces passion. Passion produces motivation! Yay! That's the kind of life I want to have. Not lying around all day doing nothing and wondering "is there more to life than this?". 
  4. It prepares us for eternity. How do we use our talents, energy, time, opportunity, relationships? Do we use it for His purpose, or for our own? 


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