Sunday 14 April 2013

Ello Again!

WOW I have neglected this blog for a long time now! This was because for some reason my internet/blogspot wouldn't let me post photos and what's a blog without pictures?? But upon further reassessment, I realised that a blog can be a blog without photos. I'll probably start posting about events or thoughts instead of trying to do a post everyday when not much happened in the first place.

So without further ado, I'm going to get to the point and 'shout out' to my best friend HULDY kWONG!! YAAAY! I can't believe this has finally happened! Maaan it's been ages ever since it first started and FINALLY! You must be so happy (not that this was a surprise at all)! :') My little Huldy is growing up and now it's time for me to let her go.. but I know she's in capable black hands. I wish you two all the happiness and hope as you two grow to know each other, more importantly, you will help each other grow in Christ and put Him first in your relationship. Also Huldah, remember that I'm always here for a big hug, shoulder to cry on, listening ear and like I always say... SISTAHS B4 /\/\!$t@h$ (I'm so gay)!!! <3 <3 <3


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