Monday 7 January 2013

Cloudy Day At The Beach

# 060113 Woke up quite early in time for worship rehearsal :) I always look forward to these even though I have to wake up super early. BINDA came back!! So happy I missed her. Everybody said she had gotten so black but she looks like the same to me..

Den den den!! we went to huldy's house, got changed and SET OFF FOR THE COAST! hehe.. ^^" Hannah drove us girls and eventually, we arrived to a pretty cloudy beach. YAAAY! We had fish and chips for runch which was funn funn :) THEN BEACHH. I had stepped in glass at garbo the previous day so I couldn't step in the sea water :( was pretty devo at that, but I accidentally got wet anyways when the waves washed up and I was like ehhh it should be ok because the wound was already closed. I had a stroll/chat with Jeff trying to figure some things out which was nice yet a bit sad. Took the usual jumping photos (I jumped so retardedly haha) and IT STARTED RAINING! So being the genius asian that I am, I took out my umbrella and saved the day (no not really to the last statement)!!! :D

By the time we were off the sand it had stopped raining and the sun came out! -_____- sighh so we decided to find ice-cream.. baskin robins was no longer existant, so we tried maccas but it was out of ice-cream! what a led down.. So we just decided to head home :) The trip back was full of DISNEY so I didn't sleep. How could I? Sleep during disney? NEVER. More like sing during disney ^_^ We headed back to Dr Lee's where Huldy and I chilled on the hammock (I had a little nap) and chatted with frands :) Dinner felt like home.. (Dr Lee is such a champion) where we ate yummy asian food with chopsticks and rice and chatted with friends. Afterwards we watched Underworld which was always thrilling and by the time it was nearly done, it was time to head back home. Our wonderful day finally coming to an end.

# 070113 NANDOS for runch! Had a chat with some friends and had a walk to the park near my house to chat. It cleared a lot of things up and I felt very relieved afterwards :) :) :) now I'm pumped for pho ^-^" hehe. At night, Jeff gave us some pancakes and brownies :DD from work so kind ^^" it was so yummy all of us was so full afterwards

#080113 Today me and my family went to Mt Tambourine where we had lunch there. Afterwards, we had a stroll along the gallery walk where I saw many cookoo clocks and I bought a present for my friend Trang :) I saw it and I knew she would like it straight away. Then we pretty much went back home after stopping by to buy lights/groceries. Twas a good day. Upon arriving home, we discovered that our LES MISERABLES CD, PHANTOM OF THE OPERA CD and LEA SALONGA CD had arrived!!! So happy.. listening to Les Mis non stop now <3 It is my favourite!


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