Wednesday 2 January 2013

New Beginnings

WELCOME TO 2O13. Praise God for fresh starts, second year uni, family, friendships and second chances. This year, I want to do things right, according to God's will. I want to glorify Him in everything I do.

The beginning of this year was so anti-climatic that it was actually funny :) We all sat in anticipation in the movie room waiting for the countdown.. but the TV wouldn't work! So we missed it, but hey we were all together and that's all that matters! <3 We then watched pitch perfect which imo was the funniest movie I have watched in a long time. By the time it was over, we were all pretty dead (but I could have gone for more :D ho ho ho).

This year, I plan to follow through on a few things:

a) My diary/planner (every year I tell myself I'm going to stick with it but I never do so all my diaries are like only a few pages full which kind of sucks whenever I look back at them)
b) Reading the bible/doing devotions every night
c) Don't give up on studying
d) Save up an adequate amount of monkeys for my trip to Melbourne and Korea :D

I know this year will be pretty busy with uni (10 SUBJECTS zomg including physiology), work (good I quit Kumon at the end of last year), church (attending fellowship, service, sunday school, small group, worship rehearsals, PPT team) + unlikely social life?

But I'm pumped. Come at me 2O13.


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