Friday 4 January 2013

Chilling With The Bestie

Today was kickstarted with a pretty busy day at work. BUT I had something exciting to look forward to afterwards. :) I met up with Huldy and we bussed to our lunch destination. She had chicken ramen (ofc) but I felt like dessert so it was either Gelare or Max Brennar :D

In the end I chose MB and after waiting for what seemed like a thousand years, we finally got our food.  I was pretty hungry at that point because I didn't have anything to eat before that. But it was good because we had a chat and caught up with life. I ordered a banana crepe with chocolate drizzled on the top and cold vanilla ice-cream.. hehe and Hul had a chocolate frappe (which apparently was amazing). But even though I never tried it, I know deep down that mine was yummier :D

We then walked around (to walk off dat dessert) and came back to have a look at the markets. There wasn't anything that really stood out for us except for a store that sold pretty out there stuff. Its gypsy pants caught our eye and we immediately rushed over to have a closer look. They were exactly what we wanted and even though we didn't get to try them on, we felt obliged to buy them since they were 2 for $25 ! 12.5 each which was pretty good. But yeah when I tried them on at home I realised I had no top to wear them with :( so sad. So now they'll be in my wardrobe until I find something that matches it.

For dinner, we had family friends over. We go way back. There were three siblings (Rachael: grade 9 this year, Leah: grade 5, Alex: starting child care/4 years old hehe) and even though they are considerably younger than us, every time we meet we automatically get along really well. I painted their nails and we chilled and caught up.. and when we were eating some fruit I heard my mum teaching little Alex about the gastrocnemius (a big calf muscle). Then I was like what on earth!!! But then I considered it and was like that's pretty cool ! :D So I started teaching him some major muscle/muscle groups. I taught him pecs, abs, biceps, gleuts, quads, gastrocs and he actually did really well in remembering them! Sigh such a smart little kid. So cute too. When they were leaving, he gave each one of us a big hug ^_^ I WANT ONE hehe

BUT YUP that's my day.. and I don't know why blogger's not letting me upload photos :(


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