Monday 14 January 2013

A Purpose Driven Life

Day 1 (140113)

Day 2 (150113) We are not an accident. God planned every single part of us: our appearance, personality, life before we were even conceived! The God of heaven and earth made ME exactly the way he wanted me to be. I feel pretty special. My creation was so intentional, so He must of had a purpose in store for me. As I was reading this chapter a question popped up in my mind. What about the "bad" people? Those people who are just really mean or do terrible things? :O I know that all of God's creations are perfect. SO it must be because of sin. That's all I got. Because of sin, we are made imperfect and we go astray from what God has originally intended for us for. This answer is just a guess. Tell me what you think :)

Day 3 (160113) What drives our life? Something that controls, guides or directs it. This chapter mentioned some negative drivers such as guilt, fear, materialism, approval, resentment. These lead to "unused potential, unnecessary stress, and an unfulfilled life". Basically a pointless life. If we don't actually realise that we are made for God's purpose and live according to it, we are just wasting our life, blessings and gifts that he has so graciously showered upon us. This brings us to the purpose-driven life. What's so good about it anyways?
  1. It gives meaning to our life. Without meaning, our life has no significance.. no real hope. "The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose". But in Him, we have hope! "I know what I am planning for you.. 'I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.'"In Him, we have purpose! I find this so comforting. 
  2. It simplifies our life. If we ask ourselves if what activities help us fulfil God's purpose for us or not, then it makes things a whole lot easier! Gives us a foundation and gets rid of all the vagueness. 
  3. It motivates us. Purpose produces passion. Passion produces motivation! Yay! That's the kind of life I want to have. Not lying around all day doing nothing and wondering "is there more to life than this?". 
  4. It prepares us for eternity. How do we use our talents, energy, time, opportunity, relationships? Do we use it for His purpose, or for our own? 

Friday 11 January 2013

PHOing It Up!

You know, often the funnest days start with work in the morning -___- oh well that's cause I like to get as many things possible done in one go. So yup had work in the morning.. a few unexpected things happened at work which meant that I couldn't leave on time which means I couldn't have lunch in time which means I was starving.. but no matter! It means that I could enjoy the food even more :D

Jeff and I went to have pho pho today at my usual pho place (across from north shore). I had the usual beef noodles and 3 colour + the necessary chilli, bean sprouts, mint and lemon to complete! So good. We chilled for a bit and then I had to leave cause YY and KK was coming over for din din!

It was the first time I saw them since HK but it felt like no time had passed. Same old sarcastic, seedy, touchy YY. -___- oh with short hair now. We had a very yummy dinner (courtesy of my wonderful mother) and chill. I got to drive them home and get more night hours. I thought I had about 65 hours, but tonight when I sat down and actually calculated it, I realised that I estimated a bit off track and only have about 55 hours ^^" ehehehe....  so now I need to try harder or I won't get my license on time! :(

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Back To Basics

Today's temperature: 37 degrees celsius. I was pretty excited for today.. even though the start was kinda dull -___- Woke up pretty early (7am) to get to work.. it was all the same old, but it was better than usual because I had something to look forward to afterwards. ^-^ Jeff picked me up from work and by then I was really thirsty so we had a drink at Sakuraya (I got a honey milk tea + pearls) which was very yummy, but expensive $5 cutting a hole in my wallet D::::: FF a bit >>>>>> got groceries > then we went to Huldy's house to cook runch and getting all domestic. We made butter chicken using chicken tonight hehe :) and we added EXTRA butter upping dat cholesterol :D hohoho in the end we sat in aircon chilling + eating.

Then we played some games (predominately BANGGG my favorite game!).. in bang Jeff was the renegade AND MADE A RECORD!!! First time a renegade actually won!!! solid effort.. but it was partly due to chance (drawing the right cards). Second game, I was the deputy and we won!!! hehe so happy :) victory is certainly sweet. Had a bit of a chill on the swingy chair and then watched ocean's 11.. that movie is so funny. I especially like the black guy that looks and talks like tim so funny! Then headed back home for dinner and rest :) Today reminded me that as frands it doesn't really matter what we do to have a good time..often the simplest activities can be fun as long as we're together. :) wow I'm so cheesy. but hey what's a blog without a bit of parmesan which btw I watched in a documentary the other day.. it's one of the natural foods that has the highest glutamate content (MSG- monosodium glutamate the stuff asians like to put in all their foods!).

Monday 7 January 2013

Cloudy Day At The Beach

# 060113 Woke up quite early in time for worship rehearsal :) I always look forward to these even though I have to wake up super early. BINDA came back!! So happy I missed her. Everybody said she had gotten so black but she looks like the same to me..

Den den den!! we went to huldy's house, got changed and SET OFF FOR THE COAST! hehe.. ^^" Hannah drove us girls and eventually, we arrived to a pretty cloudy beach. YAAAY! We had fish and chips for runch which was funn funn :) THEN BEACHH. I had stepped in glass at garbo the previous day so I couldn't step in the sea water :( was pretty devo at that, but I accidentally got wet anyways when the waves washed up and I was like ehhh it should be ok because the wound was already closed. I had a stroll/chat with Jeff trying to figure some things out which was nice yet a bit sad. Took the usual jumping photos (I jumped so retardedly haha) and IT STARTED RAINING! So being the genius asian that I am, I took out my umbrella and saved the day (no not really to the last statement)!!! :D

By the time we were off the sand it had stopped raining and the sun came out! -_____- sighh so we decided to find ice-cream.. baskin robins was no longer existant, so we tried maccas but it was out of ice-cream! what a led down.. So we just decided to head home :) The trip back was full of DISNEY so I didn't sleep. How could I? Sleep during disney? NEVER. More like sing during disney ^_^ We headed back to Dr Lee's where Huldy and I chilled on the hammock (I had a little nap) and chatted with frands :) Dinner felt like home.. (Dr Lee is such a champion) where we ate yummy asian food with chopsticks and rice and chatted with friends. Afterwards we watched Underworld which was always thrilling and by the time it was nearly done, it was time to head back home. Our wonderful day finally coming to an end.

# 070113 NANDOS for runch! Had a chat with some friends and had a walk to the park near my house to chat. It cleared a lot of things up and I felt very relieved afterwards :) :) :) now I'm pumped for pho ^-^" hehe. At night, Jeff gave us some pancakes and brownies :DD from work so kind ^^" it was so yummy all of us was so full afterwards

#080113 Today me and my family went to Mt Tambourine where we had lunch there. Afterwards, we had a stroll along the gallery walk where I saw many cookoo clocks and I bought a present for my friend Trang :) I saw it and I knew she would like it straight away. Then we pretty much went back home after stopping by to buy lights/groceries. Twas a good day. Upon arriving home, we discovered that our LES MISERABLES CD, PHANTOM OF THE OPERA CD and LEA SALONGA CD had arrived!!! So happy.. listening to Les Mis non stop now <3 It is my favourite!

Friday 4 January 2013

Chilling With The Bestie

Today was kickstarted with a pretty busy day at work. BUT I had something exciting to look forward to afterwards. :) I met up with Huldy and we bussed to our lunch destination. She had chicken ramen (ofc) but I felt like dessert so it was either Gelare or Max Brennar :D

In the end I chose MB and after waiting for what seemed like a thousand years, we finally got our food.  I was pretty hungry at that point because I didn't have anything to eat before that. But it was good because we had a chat and caught up with life. I ordered a banana crepe with chocolate drizzled on the top and cold vanilla ice-cream.. hehe and Hul had a chocolate frappe (which apparently was amazing). But even though I never tried it, I know deep down that mine was yummier :D

We then walked around (to walk off dat dessert) and came back to have a look at the markets. There wasn't anything that really stood out for us except for a store that sold pretty out there stuff. Its gypsy pants caught our eye and we immediately rushed over to have a closer look. They were exactly what we wanted and even though we didn't get to try them on, we felt obliged to buy them since they were 2 for $25 ! 12.5 each which was pretty good. But yeah when I tried them on at home I realised I had no top to wear them with :( so sad. So now they'll be in my wardrobe until I find something that matches it.

For dinner, we had family friends over. We go way back. There were three siblings (Rachael: grade 9 this year, Leah: grade 5, Alex: starting child care/4 years old hehe) and even though they are considerably younger than us, every time we meet we automatically get along really well. I painted their nails and we chilled and caught up.. and when we were eating some fruit I heard my mum teaching little Alex about the gastrocnemius (a big calf muscle). Then I was like what on earth!!! But then I considered it and was like that's pretty cool ! :D So I started teaching him some major muscle/muscle groups. I taught him pecs, abs, biceps, gleuts, quads, gastrocs and he actually did really well in remembering them! Sigh such a smart little kid. So cute too. When they were leaving, he gave each one of us a big hug ^_^ I WANT ONE hehe

BUT YUP that's my day.. and I don't know why blogger's not letting me upload photos :(

Wednesday 2 January 2013

New Beginnings

WELCOME TO 2O13. Praise God for fresh starts, second year uni, family, friendships and second chances. This year, I want to do things right, according to God's will. I want to glorify Him in everything I do.

The beginning of this year was so anti-climatic that it was actually funny :) We all sat in anticipation in the movie room waiting for the countdown.. but the TV wouldn't work! So we missed it, but hey we were all together and that's all that matters! <3 We then watched pitch perfect which imo was the funniest movie I have watched in a long time. By the time it was over, we were all pretty dead (but I could have gone for more :D ho ho ho).

This year, I plan to follow through on a few things:

a) My diary/planner (every year I tell myself I'm going to stick with it but I never do so all my diaries are like only a few pages full which kind of sucks whenever I look back at them)
b) Reading the bible/doing devotions every night
c) Don't give up on studying
d) Save up an adequate amount of monkeys for my trip to Melbourne and Korea :D

I know this year will be pretty busy with uni (10 SUBJECTS zomg including physiology), work (good I quit Kumon at the end of last year), church (attending fellowship, service, sunday school, small group, worship rehearsals, PPT team) + unlikely social life?

But I'm pumped. Come at me 2O13.