Monday 22 April 2013

Nice Sunday

After church, a group of us went to iThai for lunch. I wasn't hungry since my craving for sushi was satisfied already (teriyaki) and Jeffy bought me a kiwi green tea with R A I N B O W jelly ^_^ hehe. I was just chilling there and this is what Jeffy ate. The soup was very nice! Kind of souish tomato base.

We then proceeded to LEE's where I started typing up notes while people chilled and chatted about cars *cough J*. I always wonder in the future what car I will have. I guess it doesn't really concern me atm as long as it's not too out of the ordinary or really flamboyant. I know my car will have a bobble flower and maybe a cute sticker somewhere, but kept to the minimum not like those asians with the hello kitty everything in their car.

It was nice afterwards having a chat with Jeffy. I feel like we don't get as much time together as I want. It's always filled up with studying/work/uni and that sort of stuff, but he said that makes our time together more precious which I agree with.


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