Thursday 25 April 2013

It's good to relax once in a while

Wed 24/04/13 my lecture got cancelled so I went to work and J and I went to Rice Paper to have lunch. I had no. 31 as per usual and he decided to go for a change. It was actually really well done (better soup base than the rare beef)! We chilled for a while and then it was time to go to small groups. We had bible study on Tim 2 and this is little Kiara ^_^ she's a sheepy hehe and getting a bit fat. 

Thurs 25/04/13 - ANZAC day! A group of us went to WP to have a fishing day. I had great fun (despite my tummy ache.. but Jeffy was with me and I slept for a while and when I woke up I was all better ^_^ ) and I think a lot of us came back a bit blacker!
J and I decided to take a shell home every time we go to the beach. I found this one. I think it's really pretty and unique. I'm going to write the date on it at the back so I remember. 


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