Wednesday 8 May 2013

May Picnic!

After a week of breakdowns, stress and and an endless workloads combined, I decided it was time to go on a picnic. We went to a nice spot up on a mountain and had lunch there after church. There was so much yummy food and after a bit of chilling, we started bushwalking (none of us was prepared for this so we were all wearing sandals and thongs hahaha) up to a waterfall. When we got there of course lots of people and me (ofc) started taking photos. Shortly after we arrived, it started raining!!! >.< noooooo so that was our cue to go back. :D

Church famiry <3

My poser of a boyfriend -____-"

My dinner at Little Taipei for only $10.80!!!! Man I love bargains 

Thursday 25 April 2013

It's good to relax once in a while

Wed 24/04/13 my lecture got cancelled so I went to work and J and I went to Rice Paper to have lunch. I had no. 31 as per usual and he decided to go for a change. It was actually really well done (better soup base than the rare beef)! We chilled for a while and then it was time to go to small groups. We had bible study on Tim 2 and this is little Kiara ^_^ she's a sheepy hehe and getting a bit fat. 

Thurs 25/04/13 - ANZAC day! A group of us went to WP to have a fishing day. I had great fun (despite my tummy ache.. but Jeffy was with me and I slept for a while and when I woke up I was all better ^_^ ) and I think a lot of us came back a bit blacker!
J and I decided to take a shell home every time we go to the beach. I found this one. I think it's really pretty and unique. I'm going to write the date on it at the back so I remember. 

Monday 22 April 2013

Nice Sunday

After church, a group of us went to iThai for lunch. I wasn't hungry since my craving for sushi was satisfied already (teriyaki) and Jeffy bought me a kiwi green tea with R A I N B O W jelly ^_^ hehe. I was just chilling there and this is what Jeffy ate. The soup was very nice! Kind of souish tomato base.

We then proceeded to LEE's where I started typing up notes while people chilled and chatted about cars *cough J*. I always wonder in the future what car I will have. I guess it doesn't really concern me atm as long as it's not too out of the ordinary or really flamboyant. I know my car will have a bobble flower and maybe a cute sticker somewhere, but kept to the minimum not like those asians with the hello kitty everything in their car.

It was nice afterwards having a chat with Jeffy. I feel like we don't get as much time together as I want. It's always filled up with studying/work/uni and that sort of stuff, but he said that makes our time together more precious which I agree with.

Friday 19 April 2013


We got showed this clip in octy today. I forgot how beaurifull the start of up is :')

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Mid sems over!!

This year at uni, things are happening a bit differently. I'm taking five subjects, three are 2 unit courses and two are 1 unit courses. The 1 unit courses are physiology and chronic conditions. Because they weigh less, I had mid-sems for those two subjects. On top of that, I submitted my first assignment this year for my social work subject. At the beginning of the year when I looked at a list of all my assessments I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of it all. But I kept to my study regime (writing notes out for every lecture and tute of the week and study sesch with Jeffy on Saturdays) and I found that the closer I got to deadlines, the feeling of being crushed by a humungous pile of assessment decreased, and my workload actually seemed manageable! :)

First came my social working subject. We were asked to critique, apply, compare and contrast the three models of health in a 2500 word essay. At the beginning, I felt no need to start it, but questions my classmates were asking in the tute (regarding the essay) were starting to scare me and pressure me into starting the essay. So, I decided to start! :D I began by collating information into a large table which would be the structure to my essay. Once I had the information, it all seemed pretty easy, just a long, strenuous process -_- I wanted to finish it before the physiology exam because I knew that straight after the physiology exam I would have to study for chronic conditions, and since the essay was due on the day of the CC exam, I would have to do it. I don't even know if what I'm typing make sense lol but eh. :) Yoh get the general jist. Oh and did I mention I spent all of mid sem holidays working on this? sigh

Anyways, den came physiology. I had done all the notes so it was all a matter of memorising what I had written. It was all pretty straight forward.. until the exam. This exam was worth 20% but was only a mere 30 minutes (unheard of aye!)! I came into the exam pretty sure of all the content (I was pretty sure I had memorised everything) and started reading the multi choice questions feeling ok about them (some were a bit ambiguous, but eh I'll figure it out later) during perusal, but when I looked at the short answer questions.. I thought to myself "what"? I should've known physiology would have some sort of weird application question in stall for us. By the time I got to that section, there was about 10 minutes left to do 3 short answer questions eek! Normally I'm not like this!! I have heaps of time to spare! :( aww. so I quickly rushed through them. For one question, I started writing down the right answer and then I crossed it out! >:((( argh! so angry with myself. Lost a good 5 marks. BUT alas!!! The past is past and I know to better prepare myself for application questions next time for physiology :) Oh and I got the same mark as Katie, so that makes me feel a tad better ^_^ hehe

After that exam, there was no time for celebration, as CC was coming right up! I found the content for this subject much more difficult to study than phyl. Mainly because there was just so much content involved. Memorising everything proved a challenge. The whole time leading up to the exam (except for the day before the exam), I assumed that it was short answer for some strange reason, so I was trying to memorise all the exact wordings and definitions from my notes. I then found out the day before the exam that it was multi choice. I did the practice exam and it was really easy, so the night before, I just went through my notes one last time, watched an ep of elementary and then proceeded to sleep at 10. :) The next morning, I got up early, studied on the bus, went into the exam, did about half of it in perusal and finished really early. I dare not say the exam was easy though. I'll see how my results turn out ^^" but I know God helped me every step of the way. I was trying to rely on him especially this exam. I know He is faithful and will be with me in everything that I do. Praise Him!